
The mission of the PFC Farms Growing New Beginning Program is to break the cycle of recidivism by providing youth and adults with Agriculture based tools, skills, and support needed for successful reintegration into society. We achieve this through a comprehensive agriculture-based transitional program that fosters personal growth, vocational development, and community engagement.



Our vision is to create a society where individuals who have been justice-involved are empowered to build meaningful, productive lives, contributing positively to their communities. We envision a future where recidivism rates are significantly reduced through agriculture based programs, and the transformative potential of agriculture is harnessed to cultivate not only crops for themselves and their family but also personal rehabilitation and lasting change backed by Dr. Ricky Pope a clinical Psychologist.


Program Purpose:

The PFC Farms Growing New Beginning Program aims to eliminate recidivism by utilizing the therapeutic and skill-building aspects of agriculture. Through our program, participants receive hands-on training in sustainable farming practices, S.T.E.A.M. solutions in a food desert and horticulture at PFC Farms. This experience helps them develop valuable vocational skills and instills a sense of responsibility, teamwork, and accomplishment.


Our program serves as a bridge between eliminating incarceration and supporting reintegration, offering participants a safe and supportive environment to rebuild their lives. By fostering a connection to nature and the land, we encourage personal growth, emotional healing, and a renewed sense of purpose.

With a strong emphasis on education, counseling, and mentorship, participants gain essential life skills, financial literacy, and personal development tools. This holistic approach designed by Dr. Ricky Pope addresses the root causes of criminal behavior and equips individuals with the confidence and capabilities needed to make positive choices upon their release.


Through our agriculture-based transitional support services, we aspire to reduce recidivism rates, strengthen communities, and create a brighter future for program participants, their families, and society as a whole.